sil to csv command line export

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sil to csv command line export

Post by aleazevedo »


We are currently encountering a challenge regarding the export of a .sil file to .csv format.

Traditionally, our process involves manually opening a .sil file in SilEditor and subsequently exporting it to a .sib file. Following this, we repeat the manual process by opening the .sib file in SilEditor and exporting it to a .csv file.

This method is adopted to ensure that the resulting .csv file maintains the same section order as the original .csv file, which was generated from exporting .sib to .csv.

We are interested in automating this procedure through command-line functionality. Ideally, the command-line export from .sil to .csv would preserve the section order as observed in the export from .sib to .csv.

Could you kindly assist us in implementing this modification? We believe that streamlining this process would significantly enhance our workflow efficiency.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your guidance and support in resolving this issue.
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Re: sil to csv command line export

Post by isiticov »

You can use the command-line interface to export SIB to CSV as well. Cite from the help:
To export file to other format:

sileditor.exe -e <full path to source file> <full path to output file>


-e - export command-line switch;
Second parameter must be full path to the SIL/SIB file to use.
Third parameter must be full path to the output file. Supported formats are: SIL/SIB, CSV, HTML, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX.


sileditor.exe -e [FULL_PATH_TO_SOURCE_FILE]\File_Name.sib [FULL_PATH_TO_TARGET_FILE]\File_Name.html
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
Posts: 4
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Re: sil to csv command line export

Post by aleazevedo »


We need the export from SIB to CSV and SIL to CSV to maintain the same order. Currently, we have the following order for both export options:



We would appreciate it if both exports could maintain the same order, if possible.
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Re: sil to csv command line export

Post by isiticov »

We will check how to adjust this.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
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