Is it possible for Expert to save project forms in different .sil/.sib files? each form in its own file
TsiLang Exepert save forms in diferent files
TsiLang Exepert save forms in diferent files
Last edited by Gennadiy on Fri May 05, 2023 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Best regards,
Re: TsiLang Exepert save forms in diferent files
Automatically this is not possible, but you can select form one by one and save it to the specified file. Or you can save all forms into one SIB file and then using SIL Editor and deleting all forms except one create one SIB per form from this global SIB file. But the first way is much easier IMHO.
Automatically this is not possible, but you can select form one by one and save it to the specified file. Or you can save all forms into one SIB file and then using SIL Editor and deleting all forms except one create one SIB per form from this global SIB file. But the first way is much easier IMHO.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
Igor Siticov.
Re: TsiLang Exepert save forms in diferent files
Thanks for the quick response, but unfortunately there are quite a few forms.
Neither the first nor the second method is suitable.
Neither the first nor the second method is suitable.
Best regards,
Re: TsiLang Exepert save forms in diferent files
Then, you can try to create a .BAT file and use DFM2SI_CONSOLE.EXE to create SIL/SIB file from DFM. You will just need to iterate through the needed DFM files and define a SIL/SIB file name for each operation. Something like this:
Code: Select all
forfiles /S /M *.dfm /C "cmd /c dfm2si_console.exe sifile @fname.sib @file"
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
Igor Siticov.
Re: TsiLang Exepert save forms in diferent files
Thank you, this option might work.
Best regards,