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Re: invalid windows credentials

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 3:05 pm
by rbaroniunas
I understand, the account i used is in the administrators group.

So to add any task to the scheduler has to be a person who has admin rights. I am going to test the application with setting it to the highest privilege without running the application "RUN AS ADMIN" I prefer the users not to be able to do that.

I will get back to you with results.

Re: invalid windows credentials

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 8:21 pm
by rbaroniunas
What exactly does this mean in the task scheduler

FTaskScheduler.RunningVistaOrLater, i assume this is for Vista and any newer Windows OS

FTaskScheduler.UseTaskScheduler1Only what is this setting used for as well as the definition

Re: invalid windows credentials

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 1:57 am
by isiticov
RunningVistaOrLater - indicates that task scheduler is running under Vista and newer OS and uses Task Service 2 interfaces (the newer version of OS's Task Scheduler)
UseTaskScheduler1Only - indicates that independently of running OS the scheduler will use ONY Task Scheduler 1 API (the older version of OS's task scheduler but it is still available under newer OS).