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Repositioning components bug #1

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 1:28 pm
by Andrue
When repositioning components you have to take care to do it "the right way" or else the changes get ignored. This might apply to properties in general.

The steps we've discovered to be "the right way" are:

1.Add the properties you will be changing to the Extended Items property list.
2.Make sure that each language that needs components repositioning has a numeric value in the property you are going to change.
3.Return to the form and start repositioning components.

(2) above is the problem. If you don't first give the property a value then repositioning it won't work. Your changes will be forgotten when you switch languages.

I would also say that (1) is slightly annoying as well. It seems unintuitive. Is there any reason why we can't just reposition components and have the whole thing done autmatically?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:14 pm
by isiticov
In next version we will redesign and improve ExtendedTranslations and its editor.
Thank you for your words.

Re: Repositioning components bug #1

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 8:52 am
by MainSoft
Andrue wrote:Is there any reason why we can't just reposition components and have the whole thing done autmatically?
I fully support this request. The editor should automatically assign the current property values to each language. Otherwise, this is a two-pass process. First, you have to manually copy all the values of the default language to the empty fields and only then you can start modifying the values for each language.