include file issue

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include file issue

Post by ndavey »

I'm using resource builder to generate and edit rc scripts to be used with the MinGW compilers.
To compile under MinGW the rc file needs an include file.
When I open the rc file in resource builder, it complains with an error about a carriage return missing inside the include file.
So, I comment out the include files and it opens fine.

The problem is that once I comment out the header files and re-save the rc file, the commented header files are gone.. and I have to add them back in again. The enjoyment in doing this fades pretty quick..

Is it possible to get RB to ignore header files, or leave comments that are at the top of the file in place?
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Post by isiticov »

We're working now under implementing something like this. So hope this will be available soon.
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