Questions regarding SIB/SIL differences

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Questions regarding SIB/SIL differences

Post by KenRandall »

I am interested in purchasing TsiLang but would like to understand the following first:

1) What is the difference between SIB and SIL files apart from one being binary?
2) Why are they displayed differently in the SILEditor?
3) When I save the project from the expert as a SIB file, all forms are present. When I save it as a SIL file, they are not!
4) Using a Dispatcher how can I load a SIB file rather than a SIL file.

I am using a trial version of 5.3 I downloaded a while ago?

Thanks in advance.

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Post by isiticov »

1) As you stated, SIB file is binary and saving/loading data to/from it is dramatically faster than when using SIL, which actually is just INI file.
2) They are displayed differently because of 1) and because the tree demonstrates the actual structure of data storage. SIL file groups all properties by their type, e.g. all Captions, Hints and so on. SIB File groups by form/component and this is why they are displayed differently.
3) The very early release of version 5.3.0 contained the bug which saved only last form into SIL file. May be this is the affect of this. Please download latest released v5.3.1 which contains this fixed as well as many other improvements.
4) The same as SIL. Just either set FileName property to SIB file or use LoadAllFromFile(SIBFILENAME.SIB). Dispatcher will automatically detect which methods to use depending on file's extension.

Hope this helps.
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